Table of Contents

In another article we already talked about the ways a sugar baby has to make her POT want to stay with her , but what happens when you don’t want him to stay with you? Keep reading. Some websites of this type have a bad reputation since it is said that in this world many are only looking for transactional encounters. However, behind this, there are usually men looking for a connection that makes them feel better and more desired. Knowing what a sugar daddy is and what he is looking for is important to manage sugar dating relationships.
Many dates with sugar daddies in UKcan end up being a long-lasting friendship with a lot of complicity. Before you give your POT hope, you should know the tips for reaching an agreement as a sugar baby. In case there is a good agreement, you can enter into a more intimate game and decide if it is worth it. Many sugar babies end up receiving help for years from men they admire. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, there are always some not so nice ones. Most of the sugar daddies on Sugar Daddy UK® will simply send you a message to find out if you are interested.
If you say no to them, either immediately or after exchanging a few messages, most of them will accept it and continue looking for their ideal sugarbabe. However, sometimes they can be pushy or persistent and keep hoping you’ll change your mind. So how do you deal with these annoying daddies without months of drama and headaches? Here’s everything you need to know about how to say no gracefully.
Please note that these are exceptions, the world of sugar dating is not very problematic since we are dealing with people who do not want to have any problems at all and they tend to be very polite and protective.
You don’t owe anything
My first piece of advice is to never feel obligated to meet up with someone you’re not sure you want to meet up with and learn how to date safely . Also, don’t continue talking online to someone you don’t think is your ideal sugar daddy. Keep it simple: “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to get into a relationship, I wish you the best of luck with you.” is an effective way to end the conversation and is still polite so he won’t feel embarrassed.
If they do want an explanation, remember that you don’t need to give one – you don’t owe them anything and you have every right to decide that you don’t want to talk to them . If they continue messaging you can choose not to respond or you can respond with a simple “Please don’t text me anymore.” Some men may try to play hard to get your company.
Be nice to him
Some men may seem like great guys when you talk to them online or on the phone. But there just isn’t any spark. So if you’ve already decided that he’s definitely not for you, it’s best to let him go slowly. One of the ways you can distinguish yourself from other sugar babies is to be pleasant in your dealings. You’ll calmly thank him for the lunch/dinner/meeting and gently explain to him that you don’t feel a connection to do anything more with him and that you’d feel uncomfortable . This same scenario is also the reason why I always recommend meeting in a public place the first time. You have to feel comfortable at first to know how to find the right one.
Let’s not beat around the bush
While it may be tempting to avoid any awkwardness or tension by promising to stay in touch as friends, I would recommend against it. Leaving the door open for future texts or calls just for a chat “as friends” is not what we are looking for.
I once met a guy who I went on two dates with. I was just starting out and didn’t know how to handle it, so I went with the typical excuses of being too busy studying or getting calls for extra dates that week.
It took two weeks before he realized I was avoiding him and by not being clear I hurt his ego (it took a month until he stopped calling me). Even after blocking his number, he was calling me from other people. I was wrong for not being clear from the beginning, I left the door open and hurt the sugar daddy’s feelings. That’s why it’s better to be honest from the beginning without giving rise to misunderstandings.
To give or not to give the phone number
Also, you need to learn another important lesson… it is not advisable to give out your number right away either, although this also depends on how you feel about your POT . You can always chat through the platform’s messaging features or you can even give them another type of contact like kik, Instagram, etc…
On Kik and Telegram, you just need to set up a username, accept or add people, and chat from there – there’s no phone number needed! Most men don’t have a problem with this – if he asks politely, tell him that you’ve had a bad experience and that you’d be happy to give him your number once you feel comfortable with him.
If all else fails…
If he has already said it several times and becomes hostile or indignant, this is a red line where you have to know how to protect yourself as a sugar baby and detect the Salt Daddys , block, block, block! It is not nice, but you do not deserve to be bombarded with messages generated from a mistreated ego! On you can also report this type of behavior through the email info@sugardaddyuk.ukor from the contact form on the contact page. You may also be interested in reading: Lessons and secrets from 5 experienced Sugarbabes.
FAQs about not giving false hope
Be polite and honest, but avoid giving detailed explanations. Be grateful for the time spent together and express that you don’t feel a connection. Keep your tone friendly but firm to avoid misunderstandings.
If someone persists despite your polite refusal, be more direct with a clear message like: “Please do not contact me anymore.” If they continue to insist, use the blocking options available on the platform or app. If they become insistent or unpleasant, block the person and, if you are using a platform like SugarDaddyUK®, report their behavior to the support team. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.
It is not advisable. Leaving the door open can lead to misunderstandings and prolong an awkward situation. Be clear from the beginning about your intentions to avoid confusion.
Keep the conversation friendly but clear about your intentions from the start. If you don’t feel a connection, let them know before expectations build. Always choose a public place for first dates. This will allow you to feel comfortable and safe while you evaluate whether there is a connection with your POT.
Be honest and explicit about your feelings. Appreciate the time spent together, but clearly communicate that you do not wish to continue the relationship.