The vast majority of sugar daddies are usually between 35 and 50 years old. But any age is good as long as there is generosity and desire to have a good time. Sugar dating is very broad in what each person offers and seeks, but a common denominator is that there is usually an age difference.

Although there are exceptions, in this type of dating, men look for the spontaneity and freshness of a young woman and women look for the maturity, knowledge and solvency of an older man. As surprising as it may seem even today for some small groups of “get on with it”, many young women are attracted to and are happy with a mature man who pampers them and offers them what a young man simply cannot, and we are not talking about economic issues but about cultural heritage and education.

According to a study by the PEW Research Center, in 15% of American marriages the wife is an average of 10 years younger than her husband.

Why are sugar daddies usually between 35 and 50 years old?

It is at this stage of life when men know what they want and have all the resources to achieve it. It is usually a stage when some men want to experience new things and enjoy the time after years of hard work.

Up to a certain age, men tend to spend what they need, tend to be more concerned about saving and tend to have a partner. Many people after the age of 35 get divorced or distance themselves from their relationship, seeking the sensations of their first encounters on dates.

What are the types of sugar daddies according to age?

The 2 qualities that everyone values ​​the most as they mature are trust and sincerity, followed by emotional connection. Although age is not synonymous with personality, the truth is that there are usually differences in the way a 35-year-old sugar daddy is and one who is 45 or older . If you are looking for a sugar dating partner, you may be interested in knowing what each one looks for and offers according to their age. It should be noted that these are common and general qualities, which does not mean that everyone is looking for the same thing:

Under 35 years of age

They will usually look for new experiences and enjoy night plans . Although they may be a little more reluctant to give an allowance, they are more generous when it comes to paying for activities such as trips . If what you are looking for is to go out and make crazy plans, a sugar of this age is surely the best.

However, they will be looking for PPM relationships and long-term relationships (which is what is sought in sugar dating) will be more difficult to achieve. However, fun is usually guaranteed if you like wild plans but they tend to make some typical dating mistakes.

Between 35 and 40 years old

For many, this is the golden age of a man, the time when he lives a happy life, where he usually starts to enjoy more attractive positions at work. At this age, they don’t usually have much free time, so you’ll have to learn how to date busy men . They tend to look for quieter plans or weekend getaways .

They probably won’t mind giving you a gift, paying a moderate allowance or going shopping, as they usually start buying more elegant clothes and like to go shopping. Dates can be very varied, at times they will be quiet dates to relax as they are usually very busy, but there will also be dates with more adventurous activities. Get ready for the roller coaster!

From 40 to 45 years old

Men between 40 and 45 start to look less attractive to women (although for many women men at that age are much more attractive). From the age of 40 onwards there are more divorces , you can read our guide on how to deal with divorced sugar daddies and this is the time when most infidelities are committed.

They usually have children and a family, they are generous but demanding and usually look for quiet plans. At this age they value fidelity and personality a lot, they look for understanding girls who know how to get them out of the routine. As a general rule, they like to escape and discover new things, so they will be open to plans that you propose to them. If you meet their expectations, you can get a long-term relationship LTA.

Between 45 and 50 years old

These are the years of greatest purchasing power and years of reconnection with sexuality. At this age, plans can be more active than in the previous one, since they want to reconnect with their youth. They are very good mentors and do not mind sharing their knowledge, as well as being generous.

Although men at this age may be a little less attractive, they know how to treat a woman and are very polite. SDs at this age are the most solvent and generous. What they value is sincerity and commitment, and at this age feeling special and valued is very important. Keeping this POT interested can be the difference between a great relationship and a big disappointment.

More than 50

This is a period of great maturity in which a sugar daddy has already reached his highest level professionally and sentimentally. From this age onwards they usually have more free time and dates are usually very generous. Dates are quiet, eating in a good restaurant, relaxing cruises and things like that. They tend to be good conversationalists and in some cases they will look for a girl who will take care of them and give them affection without needing intimate relationships.

Why is there an age difference in sugar dating?

Typically, when we see a younger woman dating an older man, we think of them as a sugar couple. The reality is that there are women in their twenties with serious ambitions and desires that younger men cannot give them access to. The desire to learn and improve their lives, maturity and knowledge, are qualities that many young women value above their age.

The fact is that women in their twenties have quite big ambitions and serious desires, and young men simply cannot afford everything that these women want. On the contrary, older gentlemen who are already solvent do not mind investing in the desires of young girls.

Final Thoughts

The age of a sugar daddy is not the most important thing, being comfortable with your sugar partner, that there is a real connection beyond material or physical advantages and that it makes you happy is the key. Simplifying these relationships to a simple transaction between an older and solvent man and a beautiful and young woman is a frivolity typical of fickle and satellite people who do not understand or do not want to understand this type of relationship.

How old are sugar daddies?
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How old are sugar daddies?
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