sugar daddy getting off a private plane well dressed talking on the phone

In every relationship there are times when making time for dates is difficult, exams, work peaks, business trips take up our time. Sugar daddies are often busy with business, family and other obligations. Sugar babies are also often busy especially during exam periods or with side jobs.

Any sugar baby or sugar daddy can prioritize other tasks over a potential date due to lack of time. However, the fact is that we all have the ability to make time for almost anything if we want to . Starting a sugar dating relationship is one thing, but to maintain them one has to make time for dating.

Even though your SD/SB has shown the sincerity of their feelings and shows that they want to make you a priority, their career or interests keep them from doing so. Many sugar dating relationships don’t last because there is a feeling of abandonment or too much time is demanded from the other party, which leads to jealousy and mistrust. Let’s take a look at how you can make time for each other and prevent the relationship from deteriorating:


If you don’t communicate openly and honestly or don’t respect each other, the relationship won’t last. This means talking about what the relationship will be like during exams or busy times. Knowing and remembering the dates when there are exams or when a sugar daddy has a trip or event will help the relationship flow better.

Finding escape times to have a coffee or a meal during times of greater stress is also achieved through good communication. This doesn’t mean writing all day to find an appointment or to make room in the diary, but rather knowing the details of the diary or exam days to be able to find a space. We all love it when our space is respected and we appreciate even more those who do. Be aware of your daily schedule, so that you don’t interrupt meetings or study time with calls or text messages.

Ultimately, you need to communicate in a healthy way to know the best times to call or to have a date, this will help you have dates without having to ask every day.


Sugar dating is based on mutual support, where both partners contribute something that the other person needs to have a fuller and happier life. It is during times of greatest stress that support becomes important and it is proven that you are really a good SD/SB. These types of relationships are not just dating relationships, but also include an emotional and mutual support component.

Support during exam periods or peak workloads is important to keep the relationship alive, even if you can’t go on dates, a call or message asking your partner if they need anything, a spicy photo or a little gift in the mail are details that will keep the relationship alive in those moments despite not being able to meet up.

In some cases, your SD may need an urgent message or your SB may need you to take her somewhere or order her an Uber, this also comes into the sugar dating game, having someone you trust to ask for a favor.

Agree on a routine and invest time in finding activities

There are times when the lack of time can last longer than it seemed at first, weeks go by and we don’t manage to meet up, but both want to continue. At that moment is when we must thoroughly review our weekly routines and find a meeting point for both.

Something that businessmen know how to do very well is to balance their schedule, so taking time to create a routine of appointments until things can get back to normal is a good option. Set a day a week or every x time when you are going to see each other to have dinner, eat, chat or go for a walk. That day is unalterable, that is to say, if your color to mark urgent and important things on your agenda is red, this appointment is red.

Making an effort to be there or creating a day and time that is important for your “sugar” will show that despite going through a period of little free time, you want the relationship to be healthy . If not, there are many who are ready for it. Many busy businessmen forget that a fundamental part of success is knowing how to disconnect, so they have to find spaces in their schedule to do so.

Times when you may not have much time are good times to look for interesting things to do when you can. Everyone is encouraged to receive a text with an activity to do when the busy times or studies are over. Finding an activity that your partner can look forward to is something that will help keep dates going.

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who retains the ability to see beauty does not grow old (Franz Kafka)

Have a personal planner or assistant.

Although businessmen are used to controlling their schedules, sugar babies are often not used to this. There are a lot of personal assistants and time management apps that can help you improve your life, such as Google Calendar or Evernote . They can help you organize yourself both in your studies and in your personal relationships. Thanks to this, you can help yourself remember important dates for your sugar daddy, meetings or events. These are times when a message of support for him is wonderful, but when a message to meet up can stress him out even more.

Sugar agreements usually have an emotional bond, so it is also important to write down small details about your wishes or tastes or to organize something that helps comfort the relationship in times of more stress. To do this, using a calendar and reminder app will help you improve the timing of the relationship and know which are the best moments for each thing.

Do you love life? Well, if you love life, don’t waste time, because time is the commodity of which life is made (Benjamin Franklin)

Check agendas from time to time

Organize your own schedule, so that it matches your sugar partner’s schedule. This will keep your mind off of worrying about losing the relationship and you will have found the ultimate solution to dating a busy man. As we explained in the previous point, there should be a designated time to have a meeting and share an evening that helps you relax.

Being flexible with your schedule and finding time slots and free days to do activities is an art that is learned over time. This also means, for example, spontaneously inviting someone if a meeting or event is cancelled and being willing to get up from the sofa to have a good time.

Before sending too many messages or calls, ask yourself what their schedule is like; then you will know when it is most convenient to contact them and thus we are sure that you will not interrupt anything important.

Let go of jealousy or control

Asking him where he is, who he is with, etc. are all clear signs of being a controlling person and this often breaks up many couples. Busy men and women don’t like this. What they like are self-confident people who are self-sufficient in their own lives.

Remember: sugar dating is about sharing quality time with interesting people, not about making the other person your entire life.

Dating a busy sugar daddy or sugar baby - How to have a good relationship?
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Dating a busy sugar daddy or sugar baby - How to have a good relationship?
Learn to have a good relationship with your sugardaddy if he doesn't have much time for you.
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