Sugar baby, a guide with everything you need to know

It is difficult for a girl to talk to her friends and family to get help and advice about this world. So she will search the Internet for information to find out what a sugar baby is , and look for advice to learn more about what a sugar daddy is. Then they jump into the pool and some have to learn the hard way by living bad experiences.

This is fine, no one said life was easy, but it is time consuming and it is best to do a little research before you start.

A sugar baby is a girl who is looking for a change in her life and who likes mature men with a high economic and social status. She offers her company in exchange for the advantages of dating a successful man.

Here is a guide to getting off to a good start on SugarDaddyUKand meeting interesting men without having a bad time:

How to be a sugar baby?

Start with yourself. Self-knowledge is a lifelong process. What do we mean by this? Well, you simply need to know what suits you best. Like, the type of men you get along with best or what kind of personalities you can’t stand.

Knowing yourself well and asking yourself what you want to achieve will help you to go down this path with more self-confidence and to get rid of people who cannot give you what you want to achieve.

1-. About bad experiences

Dating on the SugarDaddyUKwebsite is just like dating in real life, where people who know how to get along with others are much more successful. So the first step is to find out who your ideal person is and then go for it. At some point during your experience you may encounter people you don’t like at all.

These types of men make assumptions about you and don’t appreciate you, they usually think they are the most important men in the world and are full of ego. The best thing you can do is ignore them, or give them a good cut without selling out and putting up with nonsense, you must make them respect you, block them and forget about them.

One important thing to keep in mind: Getting these guys out of your life as soon as possible is paramount. Don’t let them fool you. Because dealing with a fool is one thing, but dealing with a fool and then assuming that all SDs are jerks is just fooling yourself.

There are very good men who will be able to help and mentor you. It’s like going to Rome, finding an idiot, and then declaring that all Italians are idiots. Ridiculous, isn’t it?

2-. Sincerity is sexy for people with money.

Good times are easy, but you have to know how to make your way to them. Trust is the hardest thing to gain in a relationship with a mature and reliable man. If you manage to establish a relationship of trust with a (POT), you will be different from 99% of SugarBabes.

The Internet is a collection of people who go on dates sometimes just to see what happens. Many SDs may be on their first date with you and have some mistrust and this is magnified when it comes to a new SugarBaby.

There are many shadows in youth, drugs, little employment, theft. You must understand that these are people who know how the world works, they do not want to be deceived. They have usually already dealt with problems with people who have tried to take advantage of them. Although they could find a luxury escort, they do not do so because they are looking for something more. Therefore, gain their trust, be discreet and pleasant, this will make you stand out from the crowd.

3-. You must feel comfortable talking about what you need.

In another post I wrote about how to talk about a possible arrangement. Don’t stammer or stutter or lower your eyes when talking about what you need. In short: don’t be afraid to make it clear that you are a sugar baby. Of course, you have to be classy when talking about this topic.

Finances are important, that’s why you’re there. If we don’t learn how to talk about it, we may be going around in circles without reaching any conclusion. You shouldn’t leave your first appointment without knowing what your POT needs and can offer you.

4-. Never, ever get intimate on the first date

There are no exceptions to this rule. Under no circumstances do you go up to any room on the first date. Nor will we leave the first date with the first gift or money. You are not a new car, you are not a Scort, there are many differences between a sugar baby and an escort. If he insists, you must say goodbye and leave him.

On the other hand, if he is asking for an intimate encounter on the first date, there is a good chance that you are not going to come to an agreement. He may test you to see if you are an easy girl, but if he insists, he is probably a SaltDaddy.

Most men who do this are guys who come to these types of sites with posturing to see how they can snoop around but they will never have the intention of doing anything for you. Stay away from these fakes fast.

5-. Be ruthless with the Fakes

You don’t have to be a femme fatale and go out to hurt people either, keep in mind that they are people with needs and maybe they do it because they don’t have a great life. What we mean is that you have to be ruthless with your time and protect your emotions.

Don’t get caught up in the idea of ​​chaining yourself to people who aren’t going to bring you anything, don’t make them into endless relationships, or have a huge list of Salt Daddys who want to spend time with you for free.

You are not in this world to play boyfriend and girlfriend with people who are not going to give you any benefit. And you are even less in this world to let some repressed idiot or someone who has problems with women make you waste your time or your self-esteem. Here you can learn how to detect false sugar daddies.

6-. When the POT (sweet pot) starts to smell bad

That is, you begin to realize that the man in front of you is not a real SD. So when you notice a fake smell, walk away quickly.

This includes the sweet pots you’ve gone to on multiple dates and who still haven’t given you anything to make your life better. This includes the pots who say and do things that make you feel like shit. It also includes the pots who are constantly calling you and bombarding you with text messages.

All the time you waste on these fake mentors is time you can use to meet your ideal SD.

How to start being a sugar baby

If you already know what a sugar baby is, it’s time to learn how to be one . At first we may be nervous, not knowing exactly what we are going to find.

Once we find someone we are interested in, the first thing we need to do is check that the potential date is a real SD . There are other posts on this blog with tips to unmask possible fakes or salt daddies. They are only looking for casual encounters and do not want a long-term relationship with a girl. Once we find that real potential sugar daddy (POT), we will look to have a first date.

1-. It usually starts on the phone…

Once you have sparked the interest of a real SD, it is a good step to start getting to know him/her through Telegram and some phone conversations. This is good because you will know if he/she really wants to get to know you better and likes to talk and go beyond sexual encounters.

Normally they will ask you to send a photo, it is not a bad idea to send one to put a face to them, so you can confirm that they are who they say they are in their profile. To improve your profile it is essential to put good photos.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself in text messages and phone conversations. Always keep in mind that it’s hard to read context in text messages, so it’s best to keep conversations fun, smiley faces, and be upbeat in your conversations, leaving the more serious stuff for calls or face-to-face.

When it’s your first time, you’ll be nervous about meeting someone much older than you. Trust your instincts. If you see something strange about a potential future sugar daddy, it’s best to be patient and try to get to know someone else, going slowly. You’ll soon find someone else you feel comfortable with.

2-. The first date as a sugar baby

Meeting a sugar daddy for the first time can be intimidating, so it’s best to meet in a public space. Going for a walk while chatting can be a much better start than meeting in a cafe or restaurant .

Walking through a park or a beach is relaxing and a good start and a place where you can talk freely about what you both want. In this blog there are several articles in which we talk about how to make a first date more enjoyable and leave nerves aside. On this first date you should already know more or less if you are compatible with your sugar daddy.

3-. Talk about our perspectives

Since you’re on your first date, there may be some awkward silences. He’s probably thinking about the same thing as you – the money issue – and this shouldn’t be an impediment to the date flowing . If you haven’t talked about this topic through texts yet or you’ve talked about it briefly, this is the best time to be clear about what you’re looking for. As a sugar baby, you don’t want the topic to go any further if he can’t give you what you’re looking for and vice versa, so it’s best to clarify it from the beginning.

When we start out on our first dates, this topic can be intimidating, but you have to take it as normal, so don’t hesitate to ask them before the second date what they are willing to do and explain to them very clearly what you are willing to offer.

Tell them the allowance you want to get in exchange for your time with them and also tell them what you need it for. I know it’s none of his business what you spend the money on, but this way he’ll be more willing to give it to you.

After all, he is investing in you and he surely likes to know that the money he gives you is for good use and not to be spent on drinks or parties (although part of it may be for that but it is better to omit it)

4-. Talk about the advantages it will offer you and the frequency

Monthly? Weekly? If you can avoid paying per encounter, all the better. Normally, if she offers you payment per encounter, it is possible that she is only looking for a relationship based on sporadic and intimate encounters and a sugar baby is not a scort.

During that first meeting, we can also talk about logistics, i.e. how often he or she would like to meet with you, the schedules that both of you have, etc. This way, we can organize his or her appointments and personal life a bit from the start.

Find out how much he or she would like to talk on the phone when you are not together. Many people are looking for a relationship where they can talk to you from time to time and get to know you better, prepare for the next date, find out what you want to do.

He or she may also be a busy person who doesn’t like to be bothered. You should know if he or she likes to receive text messages from time to time or if, on the contrary, he or she prefers to be the one who contacts you.

Many people love it when you care about them, when you send them photos of the latest model you bought or when you ask them about their life.

The most important thing…

When your relationship starts and you’ve been on a few dates and you’re starting to get to know more about him, there are a few things to consider. Are you comfortable in the relationship? Are you happy when you spend time with him? Is there chemistry?

All of these questions should have a yes answer, otherwise your relationship will be like an obligatory task and not a life choice.

Being a sugar baby should not be something that affects you or something you have to think about 24 hours a day, but rather as a different option to seek your happiness. If you have to pretend for hours that you enjoy the company of a person, you will not only end up emotionally exhausted but you will see that it affects you in your personal life. There is nothing more exhausting than pretending to have feelings that you do not have.

To be a sugar baby you need to find a man who can be a mentor for you, someone you like spending time with and feel comfortable with . When you find your real Daddy you will feel excited every time you go out with him and you will love hearing him talk and making him feel good.


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